‘Softly, Softly’ Original Painting


Acrylic ink painting on quality watercolour paper. This painting was inspired by a barn owl swooping, silently and softly, whilst travelling over the tops from Colne to Hebden at dusk.

Image size 291 x 350mm

£260 unframed or £300 framed in reclaimed and upcycled pine frame by the artist.


1 in stock

SKU: OWL1 Category:


An original acrylic ink painting, inspired by a journey up ‘over the tops’ out of Colne at Dusk. A barn owl suddenly flew out of the trees, lit up by the headlights. I painted this in 2019. It is painted with FW artist’s acrylic inks on quality watercolour paper. Price is unframed. Current frame available. Please enquire.

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