Sheep Dash


Detail of Sheep Dash painting

Close Up of Sheep Dash

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Acrylic on Canvas
65 x 45 cm
£400 framed, £375 unframed.

One winter, the dog and I were walking along the Leeds-Liverpool Canal and it was POURING with snow. A flock of sheep were plodding along in the adjacent field to meet the farmer with his bag of turnips or whatever treat he had for them. Suddenly, word got round that he had come to the gate at the other end of the field – presumably because of the snow – and they all, on mass, like a flock of sheep in fact, galloped to the other end of the field.

Close up of current frame.

Sheep Dash frame detail.

Illustrate original in frame

Sheep Dash in frame. Handmade frame, painted by me.

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