Exhibition opens Saturday 31st May 12pm.

This exhibition is on until the end of June. The exhibition is at Arteology in Colne. Colne is at the end of the M65 motorway. The gallery is on Albert Road, down towards the station, opposite the Crown Hotel at the traffic lights. Its a lovely gallery with wonderful work from Read more>>

May 28th, 2014 by

Jackdaw Tree

This is one of my jackdaw series paintings. It is, like all of them so far, in acrylic. There are more jackdaw and tree pictures to come out of me yet I feel. This is on cork. I like the texture of the surface and will be using it again. Read more>>

May 12th, 2014 by

Invitation – Open Studios – Saturday 3rd May and Saturday 7th June.

Our next two Open Studios are the first Saturdays of May and June. We open at 10 and doors remain open until 6pm. The work I’ll have up will be rarely seen older stuff and some as yet un-exhibited  very new stuff. Some of it may yet still be in Read more>>

April 29th, 2014 by

Biography of a Painting

If you have Facebook you can see the progress of once of my current paintings here. You might have to ‘like’ my artist page to access it. If you don’t have FB here are the first and last (as of today 4/1/14 – oh, a palindromic date!) pictures.

January 4th, 2014 by