A painting of a mallard/duck taking off.

Lift Off

Acrylic on card and approx 25″ x 25″. £675 framed This duck was sat peacefully on the canal bank in Barnoldswick until rudely disturbed by my dog. Currently in the spring exhibition at Arteology in Colne, so please direct all enquiries there. Available as a signed limited edition (25 )A2 Read more>>

March 17th, 2013 by


Acrylic on Panel, 36″ x 48″ Sold.. Limited edition A2 (25) signed giclee print for £100, backed and wrapped. A4 giclee print, signed, £20 backed and wrapped. This was the first piece I both started and finished at the new (now old!) studio. I am hoping it is the beginning Read more>>

December 30th, 2012 by

First Snow, Greenberfield Lane.

First Snow, Greenberfield Lane. (originally called First Snow, Brogden Lane as I mistakenly thought that G’field Lane was a continuation of B’den Lane. For Barlickers, if you come out of the back of Victory Park on to the lane, turn right towards Greenberfield Locks, walk for a minute, if that, Read more>>

August 15th, 2012 by

Dead Tree

These trees are just across the road from the Hawthorn trees in The Calligraphy of Hawthorn Trees and Hawthorn Dazzle. I liked the contrast of the dead tree next to one burgeoning with blossom. This is just under A4, pen and ink, 2012. Available as signed giclee prints: A3 print Read more>>

July 16th, 2012 by